U.S.  |  2022  |  Documentary  |  1h03minutes
A documentary about the Carusi, young mine workers in 19th-century Sicily.
DIRECTOR: Michael Cavalieri    
PRODUCED BY: Michael and Maria Cavalieri 
Never Forget Your Roots Productions 
  • "A story full of humanity, hard work and hope that have marked the experience of thousands of people and the fate of entire city communities is reconstructed. "

    By Paolo Pagliaro | 9 Colonne

  • "Strong in content and scenes, the documentary film reveals the value of life and family above all else. [It] remind us of the misery and hard work of past generations, proud men, workers, silent and unknown heroes, Sicilians who have made Sicily ever stronger."

    By Betty Scaglione Cimò | Mob Magazine

  • "Michael Cavalieri's language has brought a breath of fresh air, his style is innovative as is the perspective from which he looks at the stories of his beloved Sicily"

    By Claudia Bettio | Discover Places

  • "Through her meticulous editing techniques, Camilla seamlessly bridged language barriers between Italian and English and created a deeply emotional and immersive experience for audiences."

  • "La Porta Dell’Inferno delicately educates the audience about the harsh reality of sulfur mining and its application in 1950s Italy, interweaving this with personal stories and images that shed light on the individuals behind the work. "

    By Erica Bailey | Los Angeles Wire

  • "The Caruso is the first link in the chain as the work of a sulfur worker was learned by entering the mine as a Caruso. The docu-film The Gate of Hell should remind all of us that even today, in many parts of the world, Carusi live subjected to the same slavery"

    By Ambra Taormina | Piazza in Diretta


Social Studies

